


Seal Island is a 200-meter long island off the
coast of South Africa, which is surrounded by 55 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit
waters and covered with over 60,000 seals and some birds. This island has been
home to many birds and seals. You may think this island is a paradise. In fact,
the island is not famous for the seals or birds. However, the real stars are
the great white sharks that leap out of the water to catch the seals they are

You may think that there is no way for a 15-foot
long, 3000-pound shark to hurl its body out of the water and catch a seal in
midair. Actually, these sharks are called “Air Jaws”.

Over the years, the seals have gotten smarter.
Now, they go out in groups of seven and eight to feed. They swim down on the
sea floor, which gives them extra cover. When they have to swim near the
surface of water, they swim in a zigzag pattern(Z字形). But with all these
tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks. Usually, the sharks
will take one seal away from its group and force it to swim on the surface,
where it is easy to hunt. Sometimes, the seal is fortunate and gets away, but
most of them die in the process of trying to survive.

Every year, tourists go to see these amazing
animals leap out of the water, sometimes flinging their whole bodies into the
air when they want to catch the seals. This is the reason why this island
attracts thousands of tourists from around the world every year.2020届衡水名师卷信息卷·全国II卷英语1(一)试题答案

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